Play Studio for Nursery to Grade V

At Studio School, our academic program begins with Play Studio, catering to students from Nursery to Grade V. Our approach is founded on the philosophy of inquiry and exploration, which champions hands-on learning, student-centered exploration, and inquiry-based teaching. We believe in encouraging active exploration of the world around them. Our students engage with materials, conduct experiments, embark on field trips, and work collaboratively to solve problems and make discoveries.

Our teachers serve as facilitators, empowering students to ask questions, make connections, and develop critical thinking skills. By fostering curiosity, problem-solving abilities, social and emotional development, and a lifelong love for learning, Play Studio lays the foundation for a bright academic future.

Life Studio for Grade VI - VIII

The middle years of school are a pivotal juncture in a student's educational voyage. The Studio School recognizes the unique cognitive, social, and emotional changes that occur during this phase. Our curriculum becomes more intricate, subject-specific, and places a greater emphasis on independent learning and critical thinking. Students delve into subjects such as mathematics, science, language arts, social studies, and more, often facing standardized assessments to gauge their progress.

Beyond academics, we encourage students to explore their passions and interests through extracurricular activities such as sports, music, and clubs, fostering essential social and emotional skills. Life Studio is all about preparing students for the dynamic journey ahead.

Career Studio for Grade IX - X

In Secondary School, Studio School students enter the realm of Career Studio (Grade IX - X), where they engage with a diverse array of subjects spanning English, Maths, Science, Social Studies, and foreign languages. Elective courses in areas like Art, Music, and Physical Education allow them to explore their interests further. Here, they sharpen their critical thinking, communication, and collaboration abilities, emerging as responsible members of society.

Our secondary school program extends beyond academics, providing opportunities for sports, clubs, and community service projects. As students progress through these two crucial years, they lay the foundation for their future educational and career paths, making choices that can shape their futures in fields like engineering, medicine, law, and beyond.

Join us at The Studio School and let your child thrive in an environment that celebrates curiosity, creativity, and excellence. Together, we will shape a future full of possibilities for your child.